Sunday 23 January 2011

Walk 3: Beaconsfield Circular

Date: 23rd January 2011
Route: Beaconsfield Circular via Hodgemoor Woods, Chalfont St Giles, the river Misbourne, Jordans and Seer Green
Distance: 12.2 miles

So far you may have noticed me being quite positive about the Time Out Book of Country Walks. There are two volumes and they are pretty detailed in terms of directions - it is usually quite difficult to get lost.

Today was the exception.

I'm not sure how far we walked but I can tell you that it wasn't 12.2 miles - I'm guessing somewhere around the 13.5 mark, once all of the meandering around the woods was factored in. I know that there is a new version of the book due soon and I know I should have checked before we left the house, but I can't think of another walk where so many signposts have disappeared, paths have been diverted, fences and stiles have been replaced and landmarks have mysteriously evaporated since the last edition was published. If it wasn't for the combined help we got from another couple clutching the same book and the power of Google Maps we might still be wandering around Buckinghamshire (or more likely, have come home early and disgruntled).

All in all, the walk was pretty disappointing - some nondescript woods, lots of paths alongside fences, a golf course - nothing to write home about. There were a couple of interesting buildings en route - John Milton's House at Chalfont St Giles (where he wrote Paradise Lost) and some old Quaker buildings and churchyard at Jordans, but I'm not sure we would bother to do this one again. And if we fancy lunch at the Merlin's Cave in Chalfont St Giles, we can do the less complicated walk from Amersham in the Rough Guide book instead, preferably when the sun is shining so we can sit in the garden.

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